I'm totally delinquent in putting these up but here are the photos of Wicky at the 2010 BC and Yukon Regional Championships. My little minx ran her heart out for me. She was competing as a 16" Vet for the first time (she's almost 10, I think) and she wasn't really sure why we were jumping such puny jumps. However, as she does at whatever height you jump her, she kept the bars up, made all her contacts, none of her gambles, and even managed to pick up a 2nd place in one of the Jumpers rounds. At the end of the event, she had about 405 points and is qualified for Nationals at Spruce Meadows.
Wick, you don't get enough training time, you don't get to trial enough, and I'm sure that sitting in the van at sheep dog trials is getting really boring. I will regret not spending more time on you, because I will never have as talented an agility partner again. You rock.
All photos courtesy of
Wild Hare Photography.
Wick says "Srsly, I'm jumping sheltie height here. And who are you calling old?!?"
Wick has always been very camera-aware.
After 9 years, she still rubs her hair off in the poles.
Go Wicky!
Pictures like this make me want to tape her ears so that they're pointy. :-)